
Someone has to water the football field

Weather: 34C, mostly sunny, everybody stewing in their own sweat

Folks here live in the same village they were born in. The interesting part is that some of them change nothing and accept the lifestyle as given, as handed down from past generations. This is where they were born, this is how it was when they were kids so this is how it is.

Others take a different approach, actively trying to better the village, build and develop the community, provide opportunities for the kids growing up here now. Their thinking is: this is my village, so it’s mine to improve, it’s my responsibility to make thinhs better here.

I like that approach, the community mindedness, the voluntary accepting of responsibility, of ownership. These are the kinds of people we need to connect with more, regardless of ideological or cultural differences. They are already primed to act, to work, to improve.
